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Professional Business 
Owners Certification

 Build your status as a professionally Certified Business Owner (CBO)
Graduate with a valuable Certificate in Business Ownership
First time launched in Australia – Commencing in early 2017…enquire now!

This certificate is offered to all Graduates undertaking the Institute of Small Business Ownership’s unique program…
Attend an Exclusive Business Clinic: participate in a 7 day on-campus Business Owners Clinic with 20-25 fellow owners during which you will be inspired by our fully qualified Faculty

  • Receive 6 months of Post Clinic Mentoring: the Clinic is followed by 6 months of personal mentoring to ensure you can fully apply the essential knowledge required to succeed whilst operating back in your own business
  • Learn the 8 Business Essentials: these are the essential disciplines required to master the art of business ownership in order to become a professional owner in your own right

Graduation Certificate

Certificate Description

This course provides superior knowledge about the essential competencies required to run any business – you will learn:

  • Business Strategy & business modeling plus the difference between the higher concepts of Strategic Planning and it’s implementation via an effective Business Plan
  • Business structures that enable you to design the correct organisation structures to fit the growth phases of a business plus apply the proper Governance controls for Directors and Owners
  • The 8 essential disciplines required to operate as a professional, including:
  • Boards, Directorships and Regulatory Compliance
  • Leadership, People Resources, Management and team building
  • Company Brand & product positioning
  • Effective Marketing & Sales including the fundamentals of retailing
  • Customer Relationships Management (CRM) and Supply Chain Management (SCM)
  • Technology, IoT, Social Networking plus online commerce
  • Financial Management, Business Accounting, Capital raising & Equity funding
  • Pricing strategy, Margin management, Profitability maintenance, Cash Flow Forecasting & Task Budgeting
  • The Compliance issues required of small businesses under the Corporations Act 2001, the Privacy Act the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission (ACCC). The requirements of the Australian Securities & Investment Corporation (ASIC) and the Australian Tax Office (ATO)
  • How to create quality presentations, confidently deliver public speaking. writing reports and proposals

Who should enroll for this Certification?

This is an essential program for:

  • Start-up entrepreneurs
  • Corporate Managers aspiring to own their own businesses
  • Existing owners wishing to up skill their knowledge and leadership positions
  • Franchises or Networked operators and Licensed organisations
  • Managers wishing to become certified professionally certified businesspersons

Small business owners are often described as being naïve, reckless business persons and risk takers doomed to high rates of failure. In reality they are brave individuals motivated to be successful in creating financial independence. In reality they are are the backbone of many national economies. For example, in Australia collectively they can make a contribution of more than 40% to Australia’s GDP and employ over 90% of its workers!

man and woman
“The time has come for small business owners to acquire the professional status they deserve through their own peak body – the Institute of Small Business Ownership”.

For more details contact Colin Coverdale at:
M:  +61.7.(0)459 433 952
 “I BELIEVE IN SUPPORTING SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS – THEY ARE THE BACKBONE OF THE NATION! accordingly I welcome enquiries from professional Business Consultants and other suitably qualified persons interested in becoming Regional LICENSED OPERATORS of our programmes in all States. Inevitably we may be copied but this is the genuine program fully tested with over 2000 SME’s internationally. Full support will be provided to kick-start new regional programmes. SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS NEED BACKING NOW MORE THAT EVER BEFORE!”

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